Saturday 3 March 2012

Everything Happens for a Reason

Everything is beautiful unless you see it otherwise

It is a wonderful morning and all glory belongs to God for His Mercies and Favors. The week has been a mix of so many activities and as well, quite a lot of water has passed under the bridge. But, in all situations, to God be all praise. One interesting read for me recently is what I'll like to share with you here today. It is a story that teaches a fundamental lesson, that everything that happens in life happens for a reason. Hence, we should learn to always be positive about everything that we're going through in life because that is how we can always overcome our difficulties and as well, manage our happiness. Believing God, however, is the most important thing in life.
Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it- Confucius 

Saturday 4 February 2012

My Thoughts on MyWorld

Shout it out and don't ever be scared again.
Just like you don't care. It is all about who you really are. Yes! It can be so random. It's not expected to be a planned affair anyway. Rather, it is an affair to be orchestrated in spontaneity. It is just starting...
Welcome to my world and just don't bother to understand all that went before...
It is gonna be a smooth beneficial ride, I promise.